Brian’s 15 Thoughts Book Review



1. According to this book, with a proper diet, catered to your needs, you can maximize your brain health.

2. Increasing your intake of “tailored to your body” foods and vitamins and decreasing your intake of other foods and vitamins that are not the right fit for you. Your body can finally contain specific nutrients that are right for you!

3. You can replace your nutrient deficiencies with nutrient sufficiency. I was also surprised to learn that many people have too much of certain nutrients such as excess copper that may lead to an assortment of health problems.

4. Many body types are predisposed to having a difficult time exposing of copper, mercury, and lead among other nutrients. Everyone is built differently with separate ways of processing foods.

5. But we all get copper from shellfish, beans, nuts, whole grains, potatoes, organ meats, and many more places. We all get the highest concentrations of mercury from the sea like in tuna for example. Lead is more rare for our bloodstream to get however lead particles do find us when we are exposed to dust containing it.

6. Knowing your own symptoms can allow you to receive the proper nutrient therapy. It is best to have specific blood and pee tests done that focus on discovering your individualized brain’s imbalances.

7. The entire spectrum of mental disorders is vast and our own issues are already known to us so it’s easy to know where to begin treatment when we provide details to our biochemical therapeutic healthcare professionals or nutrient therapists? A quote that was memorable for me in the book was along the lines of.. If you received every blood test there is, you would not have a single drop left!

8. The benefits of discovering yourself through nutrient therapy appear to provide you with insight on a life without as high reliance on pharmaceutical drugs. This book advocates discovering yourself so you can maximize both your nutrient intake and potentially lower your current intake of pharmaceutical drugs because with the proper nutrients (this book claims) you won’t need as high a dosage (which makes sense to my mind).

9. Pharmaceutical drugs often have adverse side affects which prevents many from seeking treatment. With nutrient therapy, people are more willing to take medications after they have helped themselves first with a tailor made nutrient plan rather than just a prescription plan.

10. The process of nutrient therapy takes 4 weeks to 60 days while pharmaceutical are quick fixes after a couple hours or a day or two for the effects to kick in. It is easy to feel like one is better than the other. The latter will allow you to ease yourself into the process of correcting your brain’s imbalances rather than jumping right in for those “magic pills” (which don’t exist mind you) and drowning in uncertainty because it’s too high or too low of a dosage or there are too many side effects. Nutrient therapy takes a long term and hand holding approach.

11. Compelling evidence for me was how identical twins can develop separate diseases. One identical twin may develop cancer when another may not and this can be due to a multitude of things, from diet to stress to both and then some! Dr. William Walsh also mentions that you cannot just love away mental disorders but love may help someone not quit the process of seeking treatment. I appreciate his acknowledgement because it adds to his credibility or authority by taking mental health seriously in my opinion.

12. He mentions that some of our body types are more geared toward receiving protein through animals and others, their protein through plants. I found it interesting that I found it interesting that we all have different biology systems. Considering we are all different it makes complete sense to me as I have heard this from other doctors too so its kind of some confirmation bias at work.

13. Some people need more of the RDA (recommended daily amount). Never considered that the recommended daily amount could be disputed! Of course this statement is aligned with the opposite statement, this book also shares, some people need less of the RDA.

14. Lastly, the last chapter of this book explains how to actually go about obtaining tests and what to request at your next hospital visit. A helpful ending for a helpful epigenetic book.

15. Epigenetic research is the term to google if you are interested to find out more pertaining to this field or you can also read the book for more! He goes into nutrient absorption and how and excess or lack of certain nutrients are more correlated with specific mental disorders. Many case studies run rampant throughout the book as well and it’s nice to know that we are not alone when it comes to having problems regardless if we do not want us or others to have them.

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